

Amulus News

Urgent Need for Governance-First Security Policy in the Sahel: The Role of the Amulus Robus Safe Haven

Tuesday June 13, 2023

Catch up quickly: Terrorism and military coups are on the rise in the Sahel, making it the “epicenter” of global terrorism with 43% of global terrorism deaths in 2022. The U.S. has provided more than $3.3 billion in security assistance in the region over two decades but with mixed results, according to a recent Rand Blog and Newsroom report

The big picture: The Sahel is grappling with two intertwined issues: terrorism and political instability caused by frequent military coups. Coupled with the rising influence of external powers like China and Russia, the region presents a complex security challenge. 

By the numbers: Terrorism rates have risen more than 2,000% in the Sahel over the past 15 years. Meanwhile, the past three years have seen a resurgence of coups, including two each in Mali and Burkina Faso.

Between the lines: Despite the deployment of U.S. security assistance, there’s been little impact on the escalating violence and instability. The current approach of providing tactical training and military equipment is falling short, raising questions about the efficacy of U.S. assistance.

What’s next: The U.S. needs a shift in its security policy in the Sahel. A “governance-first” policy that focuses on institution building and responsible use of force within local militaries is proposed. Such an approach should also include consistent and strong responses to military coups, irrespective of their nature or the countries’ ties with the U.S.

The Amulus angle: As the U.S. seeks to reinforce its security approach in the Sahel, the Amulus Robus Safe Haven can serve as a pivotal tool. Its robust security infrastructure offers superior protection and resistance, encased with unique ballistic steel, adaptable to ultra forced-entry resistance models built to U.S. HATS specifications. This will enable defense leaders and troops deployed in these high-threat environments to operate with peace of mind, backed by state-of-the-art emergency communications for seamless crisis response. By integrating the Robus Safe Haven into their emergency incident management plans, the U.S. and Sahelian militaries can enhance their ability to professionally and effectively respond to the region’s complex security challenges. 

The bottom line: A shift towards a governance-first security policy in the Sahel is urgent. Complemented by strategic security solutions like Amulus’s Robus Safe Haven, this approach could pave the way for more effective conflict resolution in the region.